Rock Revolution Records
Release date: September 2004
Report Card:
Vocals: B
Guitars: C
Bass: C
Drums: C
Recording Quality: C
Lyrics: C+
Originality: C
Overall Rating: C-
User Review
( votes)Remember “80s Heavy Metal”? Some called it the era of New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM). Ah, the days of driving around with the car windows down, blaring the likes of early Iron Maiden, Manowar, and Judas Priest on your amplified car stereo, which was most likely a cassette deck? Heck, some of us might still follow this ritual today! Hard core fans of Iron Maiden might remember their first self-titled album with their singer at that time being Paul DiAnno. Two albums later (yes they were really vinyl LPs back then) came the release of The Number Of The Beast, and Americans were introduced to ex-Samson singer Bruce Dickinson. If you ever asked yourself what the first Iron Maiden album might have sounded like with Dickinson at the helm, then you might have found an answer in Miles Beyond’s own self-titled, self-produced release.
Right out of the gate, the guitar harmonies of opening track “Out Of Control” will have you reminiscing about early Maiden. After the musical intro, Tim Moody chimes in with vocals that are quite melodic and effective for Miles Beyond’s style, while sounding pleasantly, very Dickinson-like. While he can’t deliver the upper range of a young Dickinson, Moody can certainly handle the mid-range vocals quite confidently. All Dickinson comparisons aside, Moody does an admirable job throughout the release on vocals. Unfortunately, this is the strongest point on an otherwise lackluster release that tends to sound slightly dated.
The music delivered throughout rings strongly of the 80’s recording style. The band makes no secret that they have an early Maiden sound, as they highlight this on the CD’s promo sheet. This especially rings true in the extended guitar harmonies, the occasional galloping riff, and elongated instrumental breaks. The exception is the absence of the fast progressive chord changes, and distinct 16th notes on bass that have become a staple on Maiden releases. Unfortunately, you’ll grimace at things like the dated sounding false harmonics, and drawn out length of “Vlad The Impaler,” and the Manowar chants in “Still Strong.”
To be fair, the band has only been together for two years. Perhaps another year or two of working together, along with stronger production, and the band can come up with their own unique style. If you have a yearning for early-sounding Maiden, then pick-up this release, if not merely to hear Moody’s vocal performance. Just don’t be surprised if it’s the only reason you find to go back to listen afterwards.
Tim Moody: Vocals, Lead and Rhythm Guitars
Paul Owsinski: Lead and Rhythm Guitars
Larry Moody: Bass
Tod Fisher: Drums
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